Construction Overview and Updates

Stay informed about the phases of our campus modernization

We are excited to be able to share an overview and ongoing updates about our campus modernization as we break ground on Phase 1, the underground parking garage. This milestone is a proud and exciting moment, one that our entire community has worked for over a decade to achieve. Castilleja’s vision of delivering our unique mission in state-of-the-art spaces on a sustainable campus is closer than ever before. To see renderings and learn more about our new learning spaces, please go to our Campus Modernization page. 

Although construction timelines are always subject to change, we want to share our current estimation:  

  • September 2024–Construction on Phase 1, the underground garage, begins.

  • Fall 2025–Construction of the academic village begins.

  • End of 2025–Phase 1 and the academic village are completed.

  • January 2026–Classes shift to the academic village. Phase 2, the modernization of all learning spaces, begins. 

  • During the 2027-28 Academic Year–The modernized campus opens.

As a community committed to educating girls to become leaders, we all know that the next generation of women leaders deserves these learning spaces. Please return to this page regularly to find an archive of communications and other timely updates. If you have questions, please email Kathy Layendecker at

Review Recent Communications

Phase 1: Our Underground Parking Garage

Phase 1 is the creation of our underground parking garage beneath Spieker Field. Beginning in the fall of 2024, we anticipate that this phase will be completed by the fall of 2025. During this first year, much of daily life around the Circle will remain the same, with mitigations to minimize dust and noise. These graphics and links will help you understand the scope of the project and the fencing that will divide the work site from the rest of campus. 

Phase 2: Our New Learning Spaces

During Phase 2, we will move to an academic village above the completed parking garage. Meanwhile, The Gunn Administration Building, The Chapel Theater, and the Joan Z. Logergan Fitness Center will all remain open and be utilized to support the program and student experience. All other buildings will be carefully taken down, with materials being repurposed when possible. This phase will bring to life the state-of-the-art learning spaces we have been waiting for. As we have more details about the academic village and campus life during Phase 2, we will share them here. To see renderings and learn more about our new learning spaces, please go to our Campus Modernization page.